Author: Nath M.

  • Ways to Stick with Healthy Habits

    Ways to Stick with Healthy Habits

    Successful people attained their goals because of enduring the mundane things they do every day. The power of habits impacts significantly in making one’s life successful. To stick with healthy habits, this article will impart helpful ways to do it.

    1. Build your why
      Like any other goal, choosing the purpose of what you will be doing is the most important thing. This will be your ultimate goal when things get rough like a storyboard. Keep in mind to build a goal that has long-term satisfaction rather than short-term gratification.
    2. Start doing your habits with a simple step
      To stick with healthy habits start doing it with a simple routine. Building new habits do not entail grandeur steps. All you need to remember is the 2-minute rule, wherein you need to start your habits in less than two minutes. This is a concept introduced by David Allen. The rule reminded you to make things easier for your healthy habits to begin. It takes less than two minutes to start changing your workout clothes to begin moving during the mornings.
    3. Be easy on yourself
      Rest and renovation are extremely significant just as you would make time for all your healthy habits. Renewed energy is needed to keep yourself going. Do not rush to achieve your desired goals. Keep in mind that it is also important to enjoy the process of attaining the goal. Sometimes we are so fixated on the end goal and forget that it is the process that shapes us to be better.

    To stick with healthy habits also entails understanding what ‘healthy’ means. You chose to adopt healthy habits because you want to be better. You need to make that clear within you to make things bearable until your healthy habits will turn to a healthy lifestyle.

  • Must-Eat Food to Energize the Body

    Must-Eat Food to Energize the Body

    Choosing the right amount and healthy kind of food to eat every day is a lifetime commitment towards well-being. Healthy types of food to energize the body are important to attain the goals and tasks you set for the day. By learning what types of food to enhance your energy will help you focus on your most important tasks.

    Based on the report of MindBodyGreen, plant-based compounds obtain energizing contents that are vital for cell production. The following are the best sources of energizing compounds:

    • Carrots, grapefruit, and watermelon – have Lycopene that provides antioxidants
    • Red apples- have Phlorizin helps in managing blood sugar levels
    • Goji berries and spinach- made up of Betaine that contains anti-inflammatory properties
    • Green tea and green grapes- have Catechins for immunity support

    Aside from plant-based energy sources, dark chocolate can boost one’s energy. It is suggested to consume it during breakfast to provide a significant energy level. Dark chocolates are good for the heart because it contains heart-protective flavonoids. Eating this type of chocolate can lower the risk of having hypertension, enhance cognitive function, and reduce intestinal inflammation.

    If you do not want to devour the dark chocolate, you can make it as a hot dark chocolate beverage, mixed in your morning oatmeal, dark chocolate toast, or make it as your cacao smoothie.

    Another group of food to energize the body is fruits and vegetables. To make fruits and vegetables more interesting and easy to consume in the morning, you can easily prepare smoothies.

    Moreover, fruits can be your snacks during midday when you can feel your energy is dropping and your brain is a little bit foggy. Vegetables, on the other hand, can be a salad for lunch.

    Finding the best food to energize the body is an unending journey. It is important to find what is essential and easy for you. Plant-based proteins, dark chocolates, vegetables, and fruits are just some of the food that can boost one’s energy.

  • Practical Ways to Start Your Own Business

    Practical Ways to Start Your Own Business

    The current pandemic enables people to go beyond what they can do to earn some extra income. Most people begin to sell valuable products or monetize their skills. If you are planning to become an entrepreneur, this article will impart ways to start your own business.

    Every business aims to solve social issues and current problems through its products and services. The bigger the problem you are solving, the more your business is sustainable and impactful for many. However, according to the article of, it’s better to solve for a specific one, wherein you can competently talk about solving that particular issue.

    Moreover, no matter what stage you are at right now, keep in mind that businesses occur due to ‘demand’. To identify a demand, always choose a niche you want to cater to. You can’t settle for a vast crowd. You don’t want to sell your products and services to everyone. That’s is difficult.

    One of the ways to start your business is to identify how can you give value to your chosen niche. Always think how can you differentiate your business from your competitors. By doing this, you are building a strong identity in the industry where you belong. Note that the problem you chose to solve through your business is one way of creating value.

    Respectively, when you are starting a business, learn to be innovative. Where can you see your business five years from now? What are other products and services that can add more value to your business?

    To achieve this, you need to spend time learning. When you are a business owner, learning should be a part of your journey. Successful CEOs handle their companies well because they do not settle on what they currently know—as startups, it is a vital habit that you should adopt to make your business successful.

    Learning entails asking for guidance from more experienced individuals. Seeking help from other people is a big help for more business opportunities and growth. Be open-minded when starting a business because there are things that you have not seen but others do.

    Starting your own businesses nowadays may be challenging but taking note of these simple ways can make things easier for you. Keep in mind that having your own business is rollercoaster ride but in the end, everything will be worth it.

  • Why Digital Banks are Emerging Nowadays?

    Why Digital Banks are Emerging Nowadays?

    Compared to traditional banks, digital banks offer higher interest rates to entice more clients to entrust their money. Amidst today’s situations, various digital banks are opening to introduce the convenience of financial technology.

    Traditional banks have consumers regard as reliable and secure places to save their hard-earned money. As a result, they’ve witnessed a steady increase in deposits. They don’t need to provide greater interest rates on deposit accounts to entice clients.

    Digitally operated banks, on the other, do not need a physical branch to operate. They have a growing demand for their loan- or fee-based products which outpaced their ability to attract deposits. Thus, they set higher interest rates to entice more clients nowadays.

    Are digital banks safe? Well, know your risk appetite. Compared to traditional banks, they only have customer service that can be reached through their web-based or bank apps to assist you with your banking concerns. What’s interesting is that they are open 24/7 to assist you. Moreover, the security of your money is also something to be aware of while dealing with digital banks. Not all digital banks are made equal, so it’s crucial for customers to know what they’re looking for and do their investigation — selecting an FDIC-insured digital bank product.

    To entice clients nowadays, digital banks obtain no fees when transacting. As cited in the report of Forbes, convenience is the number one selling point of today’s digitized banks since they allow people to conduct cashless payments, especially with the ongoing pandemic.

    Digitized banks are emerging because it is hassle-free when checking your balances, transaction history, and payments. They can also directly promote their new services and even communicate their advisory to you.

  • The Importance of Mental Clarity

    The Importance of Mental Clarity

    Not all highly skilled individuals know how to focus. Some struggle and tend to lose their attention in what they do because they are preoccupied. That’s why it is significant to know the importance of mental clarity to enhance one’s focus.

    Based on the experience of Annika Sorenstam, one of the best golfers imparted that mental prowess significantly affects one’s performance. Top players are inclined in focusing on what they have to do now. She explains that there are great athletes with excellent physical skills and work ethics but have compromised their mental well-being.

    The importance of mental clarity boils down to a day-to-day routine. If you are aware and present to where you are right now and have established a routine, it will be easier for you to dwell and work on the most important things in your life.

    Minimalism, a concept that less is more, provides a good habit that people attain fewer things to concentrate on more significant matters in their lives. When you have fewer things to clutter, it gives mental clarity and freedom to focus.

    Mental clarity enables you to finish work immediately without worrying about something. Respectively, it allows you to choose clearly. When your mind has a lot of things to process, you might end up making decisions that you might regret.
    Further, when you are thinking much, you might lose yourself along the process of doing various things. It is suggested to do journaling to clear your mind and talk to someone to de-clutter your mind.

    Keep in mind that it is really important to begin and end your day with a clear mind. Always protect your inner peace because it is life’s luxury that most people want to attain.

  • Simple and Creative Ways To Stay Hydrated

    Simple and Creative Ways To Stay Hydrated

    Staying hydrated is significant to maintain our well-being. But even though drinking water seems so easy, it is difficult for us to make it a habit. With these simple and creative ways to stay hydrated, drink water is the next thing you love to do.

    Enhancing your water with an infuser makes your drink flavorful in a healthy manner. Infusers provide a fruity or herb taste without compromising your sugar levels. Apart from the taste, the infusers give color to the water enticing you to drink it.

    Moreover, another way to stay hydrated is to carry your favorable water bottle. Choosing a reusable water bottle or tumbler that you like will help you to drink more water. Carrying it to wherever you go will remind you to be hydrated.

    Using an app to remind you to drink is one of the simple and creative ways to stay hydrated. Many people desire to drink 8 glasses of water but could not make it. Thus, an app can help you track how many glasses of water you already had.

    Not to mention, incorporate your drinking habit into your breaks will help you to be more hydrated. By doing this, you will be reminded to drink enough water during your breaks. As you stand up away from your desk, grab your favorite water bottle, and infuse some cold teas into it. For sure, water is more likely to be consumed more often.

    To make things possible and easy to stay hydrated, priming your environment where you can easily grab your water is helpful. Hydrating yourself makes your body function well including a faster metabolism, enhanced immunity, and healthy mental well-being.

  • Benefits of Having a Good Sleep

    Benefits of Having a Good Sleep

    One thing that people take for granted in life is having a good sleep. Sleeping is important as healthy eating and exercising. The benefits of having a good sleep are not popular to many. Thus, this article explains various reasons why you should take a good rest every night.

    According to the report of Healthline, having a good sleep increases one’s productivity and concentration. Enough sleep can boost your memory recalling and problem-solving skills both for adults and children.

    Sleep aids the body’s physical regeneration. Your body tissues mend and strengthen while you sleep (1). To support cardiovascular health, your heart rests and your blood pressure changes throughout the night (2). Your body also produces hormones that help your immune system fight infections while you sleep, so getting enough sleep can help you avoid getting sick and recover quickly.

    Moreover, one of the benefits of having good sleep reduces your chance of getting type 2 diabetes. A study showed that young men sleeping for 4 hours for 6 nights in a row manifest prediabetes symptoms. Sleeping 6 hours per night can increase your insulin resistance, turning your blood levels high.

    Apart from diabetes, other chronic illnesses such as heart diseases can be linked to sleep deprivation. Getting enough sleep can prevent these illnesses because your body can get enough rest it needed to function well. A research found that enough sleep can bolster T cells that can fight infection in the body.

    Not to mention, sleep enhances one’s mental health. Sleep is necessary to condition our mental state similar to physical exertion. It has profound effects on emotional and mental health. Thus, a better quality of sleep lessens stress levels which can lead to depression and anxieties. People with enough sleep manifest a good mood and can concentrate on doing their work.

    Not to mention, people who get enough sleep look younger manifested by their glowing and healthy sleep. Sleeping is vitally similar to eating healthy food and exercising. This can boost productivity, immunity, and mental health, and most importantly your physical health.

  • 5 Best Herbs for Bedtime that you should know

    5 Best Herbs for Bedtime that you should know

    Are you having difficulty falling asleep? Worry no more, we have a natural remedy that can help you with your sleeping problem. Here are the five best herbs for bedtime that we will discuss throughout this article.

    Herbs are not only to enhance our food but are also natural aid for health, mental health, and even during bedtime. Respectively, Rachelle Robinett, R.H., the founder of herbalism education company Supernatural stated that herbs have a significant effect to help people fall asleep and obtain lucid dreams.

    1. Rosemary

    Rosemary is known to improve the taste of food especially pasta, steak, and many more. Not to mention, this herb is also one of the best herbs for bedtime. It can aid for memory dream recall and cerebral circulation.

    2. Gingko

    A Chinese native herb commonly known as Gingko obtains nootropic content that improves cognitive function. Moreover, as cited in the Healthline article, consuming this kind of herb enhances relaxation and reduces stress.

    3. Lavander

    Lavender, another type of best herbs before bedtime can reduce anxiousness and increase calmness. This can increase the quality of sleep which is significant to one’s health. The enhanced quality of sleep is attributed to its distinct smell. Further, Lavander attains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

    4. Hops

    Hops promote restful sleep. It is a herb that can make you sleep faster since it is known to improve relaxation and calmness. This herb is recommended to take a night before having an examination since it can calm your nerves.

    5. California poppy

    As cited in the report of MindBodyGreen, Robinett stated that the California poppy has sedative effects which can help you to fall asleep faster. This is helpful for people who are suffering from insomnia and other sleeping troubles.

  • Is Investing in a Cryptocurrency Savings Account Safe?

    Is Investing in a Cryptocurrency Savings Account Safe?

    Nowadays, people are talking about investing in a cryptocurrency savings account. Before investing in something, you need to understand everything about it. This article will tackle the things you should know about cryptocurrency.

    Cryptocurrency savings account attains a higher yield of interest relative to traditional banks. This new type of saving accounts is made to accept and hold crypto deposits, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies.

    “BlockFi gives account holders earn up to 8.6% APY on their crypto deposits. This highest rate currently applies to the cryptocurrencies like the Gemini Dollar (GUSD) and the Paxos Standard Token (PAX), yet you’ll earn more like 5% to 6% with digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum,” as Forbes report stated.

    Moreover, BlockFi, Linus, Outlet, and Gemini are platforms that offer services to invest in cryptocurrency savings accounts. But like any other investments, cryptocurrency savings account obtain risks that people should assess to manage their risks.

    According to the founder of Ternio Ian Kane, crypto-assets do not come with FDIC insurance, unlike traditional banks that can give up to $250,000 per account in the unlikely event of a bank failure to protect customers.

    Another risk you should know in investing in cryptocurrency saving accounts is that they have withdrawal limits. Thus, this will constraint you from being liquid when there is a financial emergency.

    Further, cryptocurrencies are affected by price volatility depending on market conditions. “They have no underlying fundamental value and suffer from many weaknesses as any sort of savings vehicle,” Robert R. Johnson, Ph.D., CFA, CAIA and Professor of Finance at Heider College of Business, Creighton University stated.

    Having cryptocurrency savings accounts will not give you full control of your money. You could lose all or part of your funds without recourse if the administrator of your crypto savings account lends money to other parties and is never paid back.

    Most people are discussing cryptocurrencies because of their high potential for yielding promising returns. However, it is important to note to do your due diligence to learn more about cryptocurrency so you can determine what strategy to take for your investment portfolio.

  • Best Businesses to Start Right Now Amidst Pandemic

    Best Businesses to Start Right Now Amidst Pandemic

    COVID-19 opened opportunities for individuals to venture entrepreneurship. Many people seek for other income streams to obtain sufficient resources. With this, here are five best businesses to start right now.

    The report of imparted different businesses with in demand products and services in today’s pandemic. The changing behavior of consumers enable these types of businesses to emerge.

    Cleaning services are in demand today since people who are in commercial and residential properties prefer deep cleaning. Offering a health-industry-compliant solution that can get workplaces fully operational quicker and easier can help you stand out in the market.

    Respectively, e-commerce is one of the best businesses to start right now since people are staying mostly at home and going out to shop is unnecessary. Thus, e-commerce businesses that were established during the post-pandemic have lead the industry during the lockdowns.

    Online shopping is not complete without the help of delivery services. Couriers during lockdowns have significantly contributed to the challenging situations brought by the pandemic.

    The Entrepreneur report suggested to cover local areas for delivery to obtain wider market. Not to mention, improved services at a lower cost than your competitors will help you stand out in the business.

    Aside from buying and selling, tutoring services or e-learnings are preferred by most people since everyone has more time compared to the pre-pandemic times. The ongoing restriction of face-to-face learning opens great opportunities to virtual learnings.

    Telemedicine and home healthcare are preferred by most individuals since physical check-ups are not allowed in most cities. Medical courier service that transports medical things such as lab specimens and equipment to hospitals and clinics in your area would be a good fit in today’s era.

    The best businesses to start right now are those that can address the current difficulties brought by the pandemic and other exploited niche.