Author: Nath M.

  • How Many Calories are There in Your Coffee?

    How Many Calories are There in Your Coffee?

    People have different preferences when it comes to morning coffee. This article will help you know how many calories are there in your coffee. You do not have to quit caffeine when you are trying to lose weight because there’s a type of coffee that obtains a minimal calorie count.

    The Varying Amount of Calories in Your Coffee

    1Black Coffee

    If you are shedding calories, black coffee is your best cup. According to Mayo Clinic, a cup of black coffee has only five calories. Making your coffee fancier like adding some milk and sweetener can increase the calories in your coffee.

    2. Instant Coffee

    Instant coffee is popular among Filipino because of its accessibility and affordability. Every store has various brands of instant coffee. Based on the data obtained from Nescafe 3-in-1 coffee, this type of coffee has 72 calories per cup of coffee.

    3Cafe Mocha

    Cafe Mocha is a go-to coffee beverage for people who prefer a bit of chocolate taste. The commercial cafe mocha has 250 calories depending on your milk.

    4. Latte

    Speaking of milk, lattes ,and cappuccino are the best types of coffee that you can consider. If you are a latte lover, an average of a small cup with 220 ml of milk attains 120 calories. Plus, it has another 16 calories for every teaspoon of sugar.


    Cappuccino, on the other hand, has 68 calories when you prefer mixing it with skim milk. For cappuccino with regular milk, it has 150 calories for every cup of it.

    To add more knowledge about coffee, the difference between cappuccino and latte is the ration of milk and foam. Latte has more milk and lesser foam while cappuccino has lesser milk but has more foam

    6. Kopi C

    Kopi C is a type of coffee that is mixed with evaporated milk and sugar. It contains 90 calories per serving. Moreover, coffee with condensed milk obtains higher calories with 135 per serving.

    7. Iced coffee

    Another type of coffee is iced coffee. As mentioned earlier, coffee has varying amount of calories depending on your preferred add-ons.

    8. Frappucino

     Frappuccino, on the other hand, has the utmost calories among coffee. It has 240 calories if you prefer it with whipped cream (100 calories). Based on the article of Starbucks, Mocha Frappuccino grande (16 fl oz) size has 410 calories.

    9. Caffè Macchiato

    Italian caffè macchiato has 13 calories for every 60ml. This type of coffee is a combination of espresso coffee and a bit of milk. Compared to other coffee, macchiato has a stronger taste of coffee than milk.

  • What will Happen to Travel Plans After COVID-19 Pandemic

    What will Happen to Travel Plans After COVID-19 Pandemic

    People have different outlook with their respective travel plans after Covid-19. Based on the report obtained by the Guardian, despite some countries gradually ease their lockdowns, “international travel is likely to last far longer”.

    “Although the country is desperate to protect its economy, long-haul flights to its islands and beaches are almost certainly out this year,” Harry Theoharis, Greece’s tourism minister, told the Guardian.

    Respectively, most countries are hesitant to reopen due to the risk of having a second wave of infections.

    “The leaders of Austria, Greece, Israel, Norway, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand agreed that as each begins to ease restrictions they could capitalise on low infection rates by creating tourism safe zones,” the Guardian reported.

    “Israel, Greece and Cyprus – tourist-dependent nations – are already discussing the idea in the eastern Mediterranean, and hoping to partially open up from July,” it added.

    Authorities are prepared to shut down again once virus re-emerges during the gradual reopening of the countries.

    “These partial or total closures, while they may protect public health, come with a huge economic cost to countries dependent on tourism or other types of travel, like international students flying in for a university education. That burden might help attempts to reaccelerate opening of borders,” report mentioned.

    Various migration and travel plans after COVID-19 are uncertain. Plans were disrupted much longer.

    “For a place like Hawaii or Iceland, or maybe New Zealand, you are talking about pretty dramatically restructuring your economy not to be dependent on inter-state or international tourism [and travel],” said Prof Lindsay Wiley from the American University Washington College of Law.

    “You can protect yourselves by isolating the entire jurisdiction, but then you have to think through how you restructure your whole economy if you aren’t going to allow travel.” she added.

  • 10 Natural Foods that Burn Fats Around Your Belly

    10 Natural Foods that Burn Fats Around Your Belly

    Reducing fats around your belly is very challenging. Check out these natural foods that burn fats around your belly. Apart from the ability to burn fats, these natural foods obtain other helpful benefits.

    1. Apple Cider

    Apple cider is beneficial for boosting metabolism. It is high in acetic acid which will slow down the rate of sugar entering your bloodstream. It keeps your sugar level stable. Plus, it helps to produce protein. Ideally, adding a tablespoon of apple cider to your cup of tea is very helpful.

    2. Almonds

    Are you looking for a healthy snack and at the same time can burn fats? Almonds are the best to consider. It obtains monounsaturated fats that can reduce the risk of having heart diseases and less likely to be stored as body fat. Even more, it is good for people who are having intermittent fasting. It has fiber and protein that will help you to feel full for a long time.

    3. Cinnamon

    Cinnamon contains antioxidants that can improve insulin sensitivity. What’s more, according to Karen McCarthy, cinnamon reduces visceral fats that are found in human’s belly.

    4. Dark chocolates

    Dark chocolates are made up of cacao which has high in antioxidants. Surprisingly, it is included in the list of foods that burn fats. It can burn your fats as long as you make sure that it does not have artificial sweeteners.

    “Good-quality dark chocolate provides a portion of the same healthy benefits of most leafy green vegetables,” Weight Watchers stated.

    “The flavonoids in dark chocolate help reduce insulin resistance and prevent spikes in bloodsugar levels, discouraging you from overeating,” it added.

    5. Cherries

    Eating cherries have been found to reduce belly fat. It is a super fruit for people who want to reduce weight. It has a high content of anti-oxidant.

    “A study from the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center found that when rats consumed just 2 percent of their calories from blueberries over a 90-day period, they significantly reduced their percentage of belly fat,” Erin Palinski-Wade stated.

    6. Salmon

    Eating salmon keeps you full for a long period. It has healthy fat and protein which is very beneficial for you. On top of that, food that is high in protein requires more energy and calories to burn it.

    7. Cayenne pepper

    The Cayenne pepper does not only give taste to your food. It can also increase your metabolism and burn your fats. “A teaspoon of cayenne pepper might cause you to burn an extra ten or twenty calories per day, but it takes 3,500 calories to burn off a pound of fat,” Monica Reinagel stated.

    8. Avocado

    Avocado is a flat-belly food because it can prevent fat distribution around your belly. This can also make you full for a longer time since it stays for a longer time. Avocado can be incorporated into every meal. It can be added to your toast and salad.

    9. Sweet Potatoes

    Sweet potatoes obtain good carbohydrates that can stabilize your blood sugar level. Plus, it also makes you feel full for a long time which can reduce your cravings and snack time.

    10. Lean meat

    Like Salmon, lean meat is rich in protein. It is effective if you are aiming to shed some extra pounds of your weight and reduce some belly fat.

    Benefits of Eating Natural Foods that Burn Fats

    Aside from the ability to burn fats, the natural foods listed above are common to reduce the risks of having heart diseases and type two Diabetes. Plus, this food can help you build muscle and maintain a healthy weight. Do not forget these beneficial flat-belly foods in your diet.

  • 6 Benefits of Eating Salads

    6 Benefits of Eating Salads

    Salads are one of the easiest must-have meals to prepare. Not to mention, eating salads has countless benefits that will entice you to consume more everyday. Doing it everyday is a good habit to adopt in order to have a healthy lifestyle.

    Most restaurants offer salads and requesting it as a side for your main course is highly available. Even more, you can make salads at home in just five minutes just mix all kinds of healthy greens, carrots, tomatoes, and not-fat dressing. Aside from the common health benefits that the vegetables and fruits can offer, check out some reasons why eating salads is a must-have in your everyday diet plan.

    1. Eating Salads will Give You More Fiber

    Most of the ingredients of salads are high in fiber. Thus, it prevents constipation and reduces the risk of high blood pressure. Plus, it can also stabilize blood sugar levels.

    2. Good for losing weight

    If you are aiming to lose weight or to maintain a healthy weight, eating salads is highly suggested. According to Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., eating a bowl of salad will increase your satiety level(feeling full) and reduce the intake of calories resulting to lose weight.

    3. Boosts metabolism

    Salads can boost your metabolism, especially if you love to put some citrus fruits and lean meat on your salad. Citrus fruits and lean meat are natural foods that can suppress the storage of fat cells.

    4. Reduces the risk of getting cancer and heart diseases

    As you eat salad, your body will absorb more phytochemicals that can be found in green leafy vegetables, carrots, and tomatoes. Phytochemicals are responsible for combating cancer cells and heart diseases. Not to mention, these disease-fighter compounds can be found in good fats such as avocado and olive oil.

    5. Builds strong bones

    A salad full of spinach can make your bones stronger because spinach has Vitamin K, which is responsible for improving bone density. So if you want to make your bones stronger, eating salads with vegetables that are rich in Vitamin K is ideal.

    6. Makes your skin more youthful

    Greens in your salads consists of a lot of water. Consuming these can hydrate your skin making it more youthful.

    Eating Salads Improve Your Health

    Eating salads mainly improves one’s health due to the multiple benefits attributed to the different combinations of vegetables and fruits. Not to mention, adding herbs such as oregano, cilantro, basil, and parsley into your salads or dressing can make your bowl of salad healthier and entices you to eat more. Bear in mind that eating salads a day keeps sickness and aging away.

  • Benefits of Plant-based Diet that You Must Know

    Benefits of Plant-based Diet that You Must Know

    Apart from weight loss, a plant-based diet offers numerous health benefits. Plant-based diet focuses more on the quality of plant food and less of animal food consumption. This article will help you understand what is a plant-based diet and its benefits to one’s health.

    The Difference Between Being Vegan and Plant-Based Diet

    Both meal plans have been popular in recent years. Vegan diet pertains to eliminating all animal products to your meals while a plant-based meal plan reduces animal products and focus more on plants.

    “With a plant-based diet, you can decide whether or not you want to consume animal products, and the focus is on eating mostly foods that come from plant sources,” says Dr. Christine Kirlew.

    This type of diet emphasizes the consumption of whole-grain food,vegetables, nuts, and fruits. Usually, it encourages to eat natural foods than processed ones. There are that studies revealed that eating more vegetables without eliminating animal products can make people healthier.

    Incredible Benefits of Plant-based Meal Plan

    A lot of people shifted to a plant-based diet due to its exceptional health benefits in the long-run. Others preferred this meal plan due to the flexibility it offers. Here are the great benefits of the plant-based meal plan.

    1.Lowers the risk of having heart diseases and diabetes

    In the long period, eating more quality of plant improves one’s health and lessen the risk of acquiring heart diseases and diabetes caused by too much cholesterol and bad sugar.

    “Epidemiological data shows that the more plant foods someone eats, the lower their risk for certain chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and some cancers,” Taylor Wolfram, a dietitian said.

    2. May help you live longer

    A study from the Journal of the American Heart Association showed that a plant-based diet can lower the risk of mortality to 25%. Moreover, as you focus more on naturally-grown foods, you will more likely to increase health outcomes.

    3. Reducing the risk of acquiring cancer

    “The best way to source cancer-protective nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, is to eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and some animal foods,” the American Institute for Cancer Research said.

    4. Improves Brain Function

    Sticking to a plant-based diet can lessen the risk of having Alzheimer’s disease. Interestingly, according to  Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (2017), “eating an extra 100 grams of fruits and vegetables per day (about one-half cup) led to a 13 percent reduction in the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia”.

    5. Improves digestion

    Best foods for the gut are common in a the plant-heavy diet because it is full of fiber. Eating foods that are rich in fiber can improve your digestion.

    6. Boosts Energy

    Most of the plants have vitamins and minerals providing the human body more energy. Plus, plants consist of antioxidants, phytonutrients, and proteins that do not only provide health benefits but can also enlighten your mood.


  • 5 Natural Ingredients to Boost Metabolism

    5 Natural Ingredients to Boost Metabolism

    One of the best ways to lose weight is to boost metabolism. Metabolism is the ability of the body to burn calories and turn it into energy. One’s rate of metabolism depends on different factors such as age, sex, body, mass, and weight. Here’s a helpful guide that will help you on how to boost metabolism using natural ingredients.

    Natural Foods to Boost Metabolism

    1. Drinking Green Tea

    The most common way to boost metabolism is drink green tea. Since time immemorial, studies revealed that green tea consists of antioxidants that fasten metabolism and reduce one’s appetite. As cited in Cohen’s blog, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a catechin which is a super-natural ingredient of green tea that burn fat and improves metabolism.

    2. Food rich in Vitamin B

    Foods that contain vitamin B can improve one’s metabolism. This vitamin is essential for fats and proteins metabolism.

    Medicalnewstoday recommended foods that attain Vitamin B:

    • bananas
    • baked potatoes
    • eggs
    • orange juice
    • peanut butter
    • peas
    • spinach
    • whole-grain foods

    “The ability to process fats, proteins, and carbohydrates is essential. A healthy metabolism ensures that the body uses these nutrients for energy rather than storing them as fat,” Cathleen Crichton-Stuart said.

    3. Citrus fruits

    Citrus fruits are known for boosting immunity. But these superfoods are essential to increase body’s ability to burn fats. If you’re looking for a healthy snack that will boost your metabolism, citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit are best to consider.

    “You only need 60 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C a day to meet your body’s basic needs, but increasing your daily intake to 500 mg can boost your fat-burning potential during exercise by 39 percent,” Tanya Zuckerbrot said.

    4. Food with Vitamin D

    Foods that has Vitamin D do not only strengthen bones and boost immunity but also speed up body’s metabolism.

    Some studies showed that deficiency of Vitamin D is a risk factor that attributes to obesity. Body with higher levels of Vitamin D enhances to reduce body fat. Plus, Vitamin D suppresses the storage of fat cells.

    Interestingly, Vitamin D can increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter affecting one’s moods and sleep. Serotonin controls appetite and improves satiety, reducing calorie intake.

    5. Water

    Water is most natural ingredient in boosting metabolism. It is also the key factor for optimal metabolism.

    One study found that adding 1.5 liters of water to the usual daily consumption of water reduced the average weight and body mass index in a group of overweight women aged 18–23,” Rachel Nall said.

    Importance of Metabolism

    Apart from eating natural foods to boost metabolism, exercising, reducing stress and sleeping can also fasten your body’s ability to convert calories to energy. It is important to remember that metabolism is not only beneficial for people who want to lose weight but for everyone that needs protein, lipids, nucleic acid, and carbohydrates.

  • What Things Will Make You Happier than Money?

    What Things Will Make You Happier than Money?

    Most people strive to obtain work-life balance. Working hard to earn more has been common. But have you asked yourself what things will make you happier than money?

    We do extra work after our full-time jobs to sustain our living. We thought when we have all things that we need and want, we are happy and fulfilled. But a study found out that three things that will make you happier than money.

    1. Exercising

    The majority neglected their health especially when they need to finish something. Little do we know that our body is the greatest asset that we have. Globally known CEOs incorporate workouts in their daily routine because they believe that health is truly wealth.

    The research found out that working out regularly will make you feel good similar to receiving a $25, 0000 annually.

    2. Taking a shorter commute

    In Western countries, sub-urban areas are cheaper relative to places near work areas. But a study showed that longer commute will decrease one’s happiness.

    Another study conducted by Canada’s University of Waterloo also said that people with longer a commute have lower satisfaction level in life.

    “People who spend the most time on the road experience higher levels of stress because they constantly feel hurried. Many of them spend much of their time on the road worrying about all the activities they’re missing,” Amo Morin stated in the article of Forbes.

    3. Building relationships

    Engaging with other people is one of the things that will make you happier than money. At the end of the day, achievements do not matter relative to relationships.

    People will remember people due to their significance in impacting each other’s lives. The happiness that radiated from the people you treasure is more than the tons of money you can attain in your life.

  • Benefits of Eating Green Leafy Vegetables

    Benefits of Eating Green Leafy Vegetables

    Eating vegetables and fruits is one way of strengthening one’s immunity. But, ingesting more green leafy vegetables obtain incredible benefits that most people do not know. To learn more, check out the list of green vegetables that you should include in your daily meals.


    Eating kale is best for fighting free radicals that damage cells since it contains high antioxidants such as lutein and beta-carotene. Plus, it is the most nutrient-dense food present in the world. This vegetable is ideal for people who want to lose weight but do now want to compromise a high nutrient consumption.

    According to Gunnars (2018) of Healthline, one serving of kale offers exceptional benefits:

    • Vitamin A: 206% of the Daily Value (DV) (from beta-carotene)
    • Vitamin K: 684% of the DV
    • Vitamin C: 134% of the DV
    • Vitamin B6: 9% of the DV
    • Manganese: 26% of the DV
    • Calcium: 9% of the DV
    • Copper: 10% of the DV
    • Potassium: 9% of the DV
    • Magnesium: 6% of the DV
    • It also contains 3% or more of the DV for vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), iron and phosphorus

    Further, kale is known for containing a high amount of calcium than meat.


    Spinach is commonly encountered when you eat soup, salad and sometimes in sauces. People who are health- conscious love to include spinach in their smoothie. Why? Because it is an alkalizing food that is best to detoxify human body.

    Are you familiar with Popeye the Sailorman, a 90’s TV series? Popeye is a cartoon character that consumes spinach to strengthen him. Spinach is known to be loaded with many nutrients like Vitamin A, C, K1, iron, calcium, and folic acid.

    Romaine Lettuce

    Looking for a vegetable that prevents you from acquiring heart diseases? Romaine lettuce is the best vegetable to consider. It has a high level of potassium which improves cardiovascular health. Folate found in this vegetable can also prevent heart-related complications.

    Even more, romaine lettuce protects the cell from damaging. It is high content in antioxidants that prevents human to acquire diseases.

    Interestingly, based on the article of Medical News Today, romaine lettuce can reduce one’s risk of acquiring cancer because of the presence of folate and antioxidants.


    Cabbage is an immunity booster vegetable. It obtains Vitamin C which protects the body from getting sick. What’s more, the Vitamin C that is being contained by the cabbage helps the body absorb the non-heme iron that can be found in plant-based food.

    Cabbage can also improve digestive system because it contains fiber. If you are having a problem in your bowel movement, try considering cabbage in your everyday diet.


    If you are having trouble stabling your sugar levels, Cilantro is the ideal green for your problem. It is best for people who are suffering from Diabetes. It releases enzymes that can significantly reduce blood sugar.

    Apart from reducing blood sugar, this kind of green can protect brain’s health. According to Dr. Lauren Panoff (2019), the anti-inflammatory property found in Cilantro prevents individuals to inhibit brain ailments such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis.

    Importance of Green Leafy Vegetables

    Green leafy vegetables acquire disease-fighting chemicals. Eating these type of vegetables do not only immunize your body ,but also obtain nutrients that enhance the ability to absorb other vitamins and minerals that the human body needed. These vegetables can easily be bought in the market but little do people know about the benefits that these greens can offer.



  • Guide for Maintaining a Healthy Diet

    Guide for Maintaining a Healthy Diet

    Do you experience difficulty in maintaining a healthy diet? Well, you are reading the right guide on how to be committed in eating healthy food. There are strategies provided that will help you how on to live and become healthy.

    Why do we need to be healthy?

    Most people strive to live healthily. We do this by mainly eating the right kind of food. We strive to eat good foods to prevent unwanted diseases like cancer, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. This is possible when we can maintain a healthy weight.

    Another factor why we want to be healthy is to obtain more energy that can boost our productivity. With all these reasons in mind, maintaining a healthy diet is not that easy for most of us. Here are a few tips on how to keep yourself dedicated on consuming the right kinds of food.

    Tips on Maintaining a Healthy Diet

    1. Make your environment healthy

    When you are building a habit, it is easier and effective to do it when you have primed your environment. As humans, we often choose options that are obvious to us than being determined. We choose what’s available for us rather than what is not. A good example of this is buying apples. However, when you reached home, you put them inside your refrigerator. With your busy schedule, you have forgotten about your apples.

    Similar to the scenario, if the unhealthy snacks are visible to you, you can put them away and place fruits and nuts instead. When you get hungry, the first thing that you will grab are snacks that are visible. The environment can significantly affect one’s behavior. That’s why you really need to surround yourself with healthy food to consume.

    One thing that will also motivate you to eat healthy food is to cultivate your food. Learn how to plant. With this, you will be able to acquire healthy food easily. Putting your own garden nowadays is therapeutic.

    2. Practice mindful eating

    Some people wanted to maintain a healthy diet because they wanted to achieve a good figure or to lose weight. But the next question is, what’s next when you already achieved your goal? Keep in mind that you should also learn to love the process of doing your diet than acquiring the outcomes.

    A study revealed that obese and fat women significantly lost their weight after they practiced mindful intervention. Mindful eating can be achieved when you enjoy and appreciate eating healthy food.

    3. Learn to monitor the food that you are eating

    As you write the food that you are consuming, you become conscious of what you are eating and this can also remind you that you should eat healthy food. This method helps you to discipline yourself on eating healthy food. A study found out that people who track down their calorie intake lost twice as much weight than those who did not.

    4. Find an accountability partner

    Having a diet buddy to be with you on this journey is fun and effective as well. Grab your workmate, friend, or a family member. Influence the person to live healthy as well. One day you will be surprised that both of you have not just achieved your goals, but both of you also influenced other people who have witnessed your journey.

    5. Learn to adopt the 2-day rule

    A 2-day rule is a method that will discipline you in maintaining a healthy diet. This rule allows you to engulf some unhealthy food and beverages that you like such as pizza, burgers, and alcohol for a day. Some coined it as a “cheat day”. But never allow yourself to skip another day after doing this.

    When you decide to eat some unhealthy food today, make sure to eat healthy meals tomorrow.


    Planning to eat healthy food is easy than doing it. As you follow these strategies, do not forget as well on why you are practicing a healthy eating habit. I hope this guide will help you to stick to your healthy meal and snack plans.

  • Fruits that can Boost Immune System to Fight COVID-19

    Fruits that can Boost Immune System to Fight COVID-19

    With the ongoing globally pandemic, Coronavirus (COVID-19), it is very important to boost immune system.

    Some rush to the pharmacy to acquire the most effective immune booster. But you don’t have to spend more money just to boost your immune system.

    Here are some immune-booster fruits:

    1. Apple

    Apple is a good source of vitamin C ,and also rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary fiber. Eating this everyday will surely keep the doctor away.

    2. Orange

    Citrus fruits like orange is one of the common fruits that can combat viruses. Eating fruits that are rich in Vitamin C can increase white blood cells. Fruits with Vitamin C also have antiviral and antibacterial properties.

    3. Avocado

    Avocado has Gluthatione, an antioxidant that fight free radicals and can build one’s immune system.

    Avocado does not only fight viruses and diseases but also regulates blood pressure.

    “The high levels of monounsaturated fats in avocados can help stop insulin resistance, which helps to regulate blood sugar levels,” as cited in the Rise of the Vegan.

    4. Papaya

    One serving of papaya contains the recommended daily amount of Vitamin C that you should take.

    Papaya is also rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene; phytonutrients and flavonoids. Apart from those, papaya has digestive enzyme that has anti inflammatory effects. Health experts recommend papaya if you have digestion problems because papaya is rich in fiber.

    5. Guava

    Like papaya, guava can also be found in our backyards. Guava is known to be powerhouse of nutrients and minerals. It can fight different kinds of diseases. Guava contains Vitamin C, A, and fiber. Plus, it has calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium,protein, and folate.

    Why Boost Immune System?

    It is important to strengthen your immune system so that you will not easily get sick especially now that COVID-19 is rapidly spreading in the country.

    With strong immunity, toxins in your body will be lessen. Aside from eating immune-booster food. You should also sleep 8 hours a day, get some regular exercise, reduce stress, and get some sunlight.
